Meet the Team

President - John McCallum

With over 25 years of experience in the sports marketing and management industry, John is the co-founder of the Les Schwab Invitational, Les Schwab Bowl and was instrumental in bringing the Nike Hoop Summit to Portland. He is the Founder and President of Prime Time Sports where he oversees the business operations of multiple sports events, sponsorships, branding opportunities and partnerships. A native of Oregon, John attended Willamette University where he played football and was a member of the SAE Fraternity. John has coached football at multiple levels, serves on multiple boards and takes pride in his 3 children - Koby, Marri and Jonnie.

Event Director - Dominic Enbody

(503) 860-1458

Event Coordinator - Gaige Ainslie

Event Coordinator - Manny Castiniera

Please feel free to contact us with any quesstions or comments!